Enhancing Manufacturing Ergonomics with Flex Craft
Written by: Jake Sparks, Sales of Flex Craft
Written by: Jake Sparks, Sales of Flex Craft
Written by: Nicole Reps, Sales, Assembly, & Marketing of Flex Craft Efficient product design is the cornerstone of success for businesses across industries. By creating products that balance functionality, cost-effectiveness, and sustainability, companies can boost profitability and customer satisfaction. Let’s explore key strategies to optimize product design for maximum efficiency […]
Written by: Nicole Reps, Sales, Assembly, & Marketing of Flex Craft When thinking about space on your production floor, workshop, or garage you want to use all available areas to their fullest potential with no wasted space. You might think what’s the best way to store your holiday decorations in […]
Written by: Nicole Reps, Sales, Assembly, & Marketing of Flex Craft For years, we’ve been told to think outside the box but what if we could redefine “the box”? Flex Craft’s material handling system gives you the tools to do just that. With some tubes, nuts, bolts, and imagination, you […]
What is Modular Material Handling? To understand Modular Material Handling, first we must understand what makes something “Modular”. By definition, Modular is: “A design approach that subdivides a system/product into smaller parts called modules. A few benefits to modular products are mobility, repurposing, ease of use, and customized flexibility in […]
Written by: Doug Sparks, President / Inventor of Flex Craft What is a Paradigm? Basically its set pattern of thinking that controls our decisions and ultimately our behaviors. Why is it a problem? It limits the scope and scale of our thinking in critical aspects of our performance. How so, […]
Written by: Doug Sparks, President / Inventor of Flex Craft I still recall my sensei’s response to my question; how big should a conveyor be? His response was “think of a gooses egg tract, how wide is it?” The answer, slightly larger than the egg. I also remember the valuable […]
Ergonomics in the workplace can be in a way compared to “The Story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears” and the comfortable bed situation, every employee has their own “Ahhh, this is just right.” What might be the best fit for one employee, might not necessarily be the best fit […]
Written by: Doug Sparks, President / Inventor of Flex Craft Personally, I have started several small businesses and have known a great deal of others that have done the same. Here are a few opportunities you might want to consider when doing the same. Light Bulb Moment Many small business […]
If you’re new to Material Handling, you may find yourself caught up in a whirlwind of new information being thrown at you by those who have been in the industry for years, trade magazines, or even upper management, all trying to “sell” you on the idea on what they think […]